JaneXLiaRC November: A Pslam For The Wild Built


This is my first time reading science fiction book and I enjoyed it. A Psalm For The Wild Built by Becky Chambers is a winner of the Hugo Award. This story is about monk & robot.

Dex is a tea monk, who listen to people who are having a discomfort and offer them the perfect cup of tea in a safe space. One day, Dex tired with work and strikes out into the wilderness and meet a Robot named Mosscap. They travel together and talk. Talk about true purpose and meaning of life that sometimes we constantly ask.

I enjoyed Dex and Mosscap talks during their travel. My favourite one is on page 141 […]
“Then how,” Dex said, “how does the idea of maybe being meaningless sit well with you?”
Mosscap considered, “Because I know that no matter what, I’m wonderful,” it said.


  1. Kak Woro, ini bahasa inggrisnya susah nggak? Pacednya cepat atau lambat? Ceritanya kelihatan menarik 😍

    1. Pacenya lambat, Lia. Untuk bahasa Inggrisnya cukup mudah dimengerti. Di awal-awal aku bosan banget bacanya, baru dapat feelnya di pertengahan buku.

  2. Covernya bener2 describing ttg autumn yaaa 😄👍. Penasaran juga baca isinya mba . Aku jarang baca sci Fi. Krn belum Nemu yg klik aja sih , dan mungkin Krn fav ku itu thriller. Tapi kalo Nemu yg bagus dan direkomendasikan Ama temen book lover begini, aku malah jadi tertarik.

    1. Buku ini lumayan sering direkomendasikan sama bookstagram, mba Fanny


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